Artist Support Grants from the Regional Arts Commission (RAC)
An individual artist is eligible to apply for an Artist Support Grant if the following requirements are met:
The artist is 18 years or older.
The artist is a current resident of St. Louis City or County and has maintained primary residence in St. Louis City or County for at least one year (documentation required).
In the past three years, the artist has created and presented their own original works to the public or performed for the public (documentation required; this should be documented in a CV or Resume)
First Time Application on this page:
Return to your application here: https://www.GrantRequest.com/SID_6248?SA=AM
Guidelines for the Grant are available here:
Frequently Asked Questions:
How is it scored?
Artist Support grant applications will respond to three grant review criteria:
Cultural and/or Artistic Essentials (weighted at 40%): A culturally and artistically significant practice or work that contributes to the creative life of the artist and, ultimately, to St. Louis.
Community Benefit (weighted at 30%): Artist demonstrates broad community benefit with a practice or work and contributes to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the community.
Capacity & Sustainability (weighted at 30%): Artist is intentional about artistic/practice capacity and sustainability.
You got this!
Additional Resources for Artists in St. Louis: